Local Trax Rail Overpass Program
The purpose of the project is to improve safety and mobility by addressing the adverse effects of the current at-grade crossings. By constructing a bridge to carry the motorists and pedestrians over the railroad, safety is greatly improved by reducing the potential for train, vehicle, and pedestrian collisions while simultaneously providing unobstructed north-south access, reducing delays in emergency response time.
Wabash Local TRAX - CE-4 Summary
- Appendix A CE Threshold Table
- Appendix B Graphics
- Appendix C Coordination
- Appendix D Section 106 Coordination
- Appendix E Red Flag Investigation
- Appendix F Waters of the US Report
- Appendix G Public Involvement
- Appendix I Additional Studies
Recent News
- Wabash Local TRAX - CE-4 Summary
- * Appendix A CE Threshold Table - Wabash Local TRAX
- * Appendix B Graphics - Wabash Local TRAX
- * Appendix C Coordination - Wabash Local TRAX
- * Appendix D Section 106 Coordination - Wabash Local TRAX
- * Appendix E Red Flag Investigation - Wabash Local TRAX
- * Appendix F Waters of the US Report - Wabash Local TRAX
- * Appendix G Public Involvement - Wabash Local TRAX
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