FAQs - Details


I had an ambulance trip provided by Wabash City County Ambulance Service and received a bill. I have insurance that should pay this bill. Will the ambulance service send a bill to my insurance?


Yes. WCCAS submits claims directly to most insurance companies. If the billing office has your insurance information, it will submit a claim to your insurance company on your behalf. You may be billed for patient out-of-pocket responsibility amounts (copay, deductible, non-covered amounts, etc.). If WCCAS does NOT have your health insurance information, the billing office will send you a form to fill out and return to provide that information. Without that information, WCCAS cannot file a claim with your insurance company. Most insurances have timely filing deadlines that healthcare providers such as WCCAS must submit claims within in order to be paid. If you are receiving a bill, this means that either a) your insurance has processed your claim and left a patient responsibility amount that you owe, or b) WCCAS does not have your insurance information.